How I get my Olivine Attribute dolls!

Attribute Dolls

 Dolls that are based/inspired by a Celebrity or Character


    When it comes to some dolls, I am using Xianyu, Taobao's second-hand market! Personally I don't believe I am the best at explaining things, so here is a Reddit Guide on how to use Xianyu!    

     For Olivine Specifically, in the search bar put in 奧利文 20cm , 20cms are the most popular size options, but there are also 5cm, 10cm, 25cm, 40cm, and more that are slowly being created! Just add the measurement after  奧利文 to make sure you are finding the right doll for you! 

       Once you've found your perfect Olivine, follow the steps here on Superbuy's own Guide! Or use another Chinese proxy service you prefer/feel more comfortable with! Using Superbuy I was able to not only get myself Olivines, but also some other friends their very own dream dolls and even some Non-Oli dolls for myself! 


DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME NOR THIERS! ALL OF THEM ARE VOLUNTEERS WHO ARE DOING THEIR BEST TO HELP PEOPLE CONNECT TO FAN-MADE DOLLS AND OTHER MERCH! GOs take time, due to pre-order, production, warehousing, shipping to GO organizer, and finally shipping to you!

That being said, please also be wary who you buy from to though! Sadly, Many joiners and even myself have also been victim to GO organizer disappearance/going silent/scam! 

     On twitter, there is A HUGE community of doll collectors, some of those also open GOs or are specifically for GOs! On the twitter search bar, you can add something like USA 20cm GOs, and the search result will lead to posts by organizers! Find someone or something you like and make sure to read their pages to see how you can join their order! 

EVERYONE HAS DIFFERENT RULES! SO READ CAREFULLY AND ASK ANY/ALL QUESTIONS YOU HAVE! Trust me many of them will help you out and walk you through it if your nervous, but please PLEASE read everything first, cause the answer to your own question might be right there in the most obvious place! 

    GOs make it easier and cheaper to get dolls to you as shipping cost will be split between everyone who has joined! If you're ok with getting something shipping through someone outside of your country, you can do that too, but understand that shipping cost for you WILL be higher!

Reminder! When you are buying dolls and doll clothes, remember that some dolls are different due to manufacture or Mommy/Daddy preference! So although some doll clothes say they are 20cm they might not fit your 20cm doll cause the doll might be fat body or not! So do your best in ensuring your doll clothes will fit your baby before purchasing! You can also always re-sell the clothes you buy, but not return.

If you have any questions don't be afraid to comment down below! I'll do my best to help you out!

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